Coorg – Summary
‘Coorg is a coffee producing area in Karnataka State of India. It is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. This land is famous for its rainforests and spices. …
‘Coorg is a coffee producing area in Karnataka State of India. It is situated midway between Mysore and the coastal town of Mangalore. This land is famous for its rainforests and spices. …
Grown-ups say things like: Speak up Don’t talk with your mouth full Don’t stare Don’t point Don’t pick your nose Sit up Say please Less noise Shut the door behind you Don’t …
Children at Work is a short realistic and sensitive story concerning those children who are deprived, underprivileged and poor. It is an excerpt from Trash — on Ragpicker children and Recycling written by …
When did my childhood go? Was it the day I ceased to be eleven. Was it the time I realised that Hell and Heaven, Could not be found in Geography, And therefore …
Chandni is written by Zakir Hussain. Summary Once an old man, Abbu Khan lived in Almora. He was alone. His only companions were a few goats which he always kept as pets. …
Bringing up Kari is written by Dhan Gopal Mukerji. The narrator, a nine year old child took care of Kari, a five month old elephant. Summary Kari was a five-month-old elephant. The narrator, …