King O’Toole and His Goose by Joseph Jacobs
Och I thought all the world, far and near, had heerd of King O’Toole—well, well, but the darkness of mankind is untellable! Well, sir, you must know, as you didn’t hear it …
Och I thought all the world, far and near, had heerd of King O’Toole—well, well, but the darkness of mankind is untellable! Well, sir, you must know, as you didn’t hear it …
Lear, King of Britain, had three daughters: Goneril, wife to the Duke of Albany; Regan, wife to the Duke of Cornwall; and Cordelia, a young maid, for whose love the King of …
The Three Questions There was once a king of England whose name was John. He was a bad king; for he was harsh and cruel to his people, and so long as …
A hundred years or more after the time of Alfred the Great there was a king of England named Canuté. King Canute was a Dane; but the Danes were not so fierce …
At one time the Danes drove King Alfred from his kingdom, and he had to lie hidden for a long time on a little island in a river. One day, all who …
My five years’ old daughter Mini cannot live without chattering. I really believe that in all her life she has not wasted a minute in silence. Her mother is often vexed at …