Marathi Baby Boy Names Starting With K Letter In 2022

Marathi Baby Boy Names Starting With K Letter In 2022



Kabilanname of a saint
Kacapacloud drinker, leaf
Kadhirbrilliant, ray of light
Kadhiravanbrilliant like sun
KadhirChelvanYouthful and Brilliant
KadhiresanBrilliant Like Sun
Kadhirolibrilliant like a ray of light
Kadhirvelanother name for god murugan
Kailasaa mountain placed in the himalaya range, a type of temple
Kairavawater born, the white lotus
Kaitavagambler, deceitful
KajishLord Vinayagar
Kaksapawater drinker, tortoise, one of the 9 treasure of kubera
Kakudminpeaked, mountain, humped
Kalaiarasanking of arts
KalaiCheranskilled in the arts
KalaiDasanpatron of arts
KalaiKannanone who likes arts
KalaiManigem of arts
KalaMegamName of a Poet
Kalanathalord of the digits, another name for the moon
Kalanjaradestroyer of death, an assembly of sages
Kalanjiyamrepository of wisdom, wealth
KalappanPron. kaalappan
Kalasaa pitcher, the pinnacle of a temple
Kalidasaservant of kali
Kalingaone who knows the arts and the skills, sizzling tree
KalipadaA Devotee of Goddess Kali
KalkinTenth Incarnation of God Vishnu
Kalmasaspeckled with black, a form of agni
KalmeshAnother Name of Lord Shiva
Kalpafit, opinion, determination
KalpakA Heavenly Tree
Kalpesalord of perfection
Kalyanabenefits, virtue, prosperous
Kamangalove bodied, mango tree
Kamarasanunaffected by desires
Kambanpoet who composed kamba ramayanam
KambojConch Shell, Elephant
KamlakantName of the Lord of Vishnu
KamodA Raga
Kampatremor, earthquake
Kanakavarnaof golden colour
Kandalagold, war, a new shoot
Kandangod murugan
Kandappangod murugan
KandaSamigod murugan
Kandavelgod murugan
Kanhathe adolescent, another name for krishna
KanishkKing, Gold
KanjLord Brahma
Kanjamlotus, nectar
Kanksitawished, desired, longed for
KannaDasanOne who likes Kannan, Name of a Poet
Kannaiyanplayful, merrisome, god kannan
Kannangod kannan, playful, merrisome
Kansavessel of bell-metal, with a metal like body
Kantakathorn, another name for makara, the symbol of kama
KanthiLustre, Loveliness
Kanvatalented, honoured, intelligent
Kanvara prince
Kapardishell, as white as a conch shell
Kapilaksasun eyed, whose eyes glow, with piercing and bright eyes
Karalaterrible, great, a gandharva
Kardamacovered with mud, shade, a kind of rice produced in the marsh
KarikalanThe Chola king known for his Wisdom and Bravery
Kandalagold, war, a new shoot
Kandangod murugan
Kandappangod murugan
KandaSamigod murugan
Kandavelgod murugan
Kanhathe adolescent, another name for krishna
KanishkKing, Gold
KanjLord Brahma
Kanjamlotus, nectar
Kanksitawished, desired, longed for
KannaDasanOne who likes Kannan, Name of a Poet
Kannaiyanplayful, merrisome, god kannan
Kannangod kannan, playful, merrisome
Kansavessel of bell-metal, with a metal like body
Kantakathorn, another name for makara, the symbol of kama
KanthiLustre, Loveliness
Kanvatalented, honoured, intelligent
Kanvara prince
Kapardishell, as white as a conch shell
Kapilaksasun eyed, whose eyes glow, with piercing and bright eyes
Karalaterrible, great, a gandharva
Kardamacovered with mud, shade, a kind of rice produced in the marsh
KarikalanThe Chola king known for his Wisdom and Bravery
Karkacrab, excellent, the zodiac sign of cancer
Karmaduty, destiny, action
Karmavirabrave in action
KarMegamRain-bearing Cloud, Resourceful
Karmuhilanrain-bearing cloud, resourceful
Karnaear, skilful, the eldest son of kunti and surya
KarnanMythological character – eldest of the Pandavas
Karnavirawhose glory has come to be heard, a well known warrior
Karthikgod murugan
Kartikone who bestows courage and happiness, which belongs to the month of karttika
Karunesalord of mercy, another name for moon
KaruppanOne Who is Dark (Black is Beautiful!)
KaruppaSaminame of a god
Karvannangod kannan
KashyapA sage and friend of Pandavas
Kasinathangod sivan
Kasyahard grass, a kind of grass belonging to the kasis
Kasyapaone who drinks water, a tortoise, the water lily
KathithWell Recited
Katumbiwater purifier
Kautilyacrooked thinker
KaviArasanGreat Poet
Kavikogreat poet
Kavinnatural beauty
KavishKing of Poets, Name of Lord Ganesh
Kavyapoem, intelligence, inspired
KavyanshIntelligent and Born With Poetry
KayaanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
KayanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
Kayilaiabode of god sivan
KayilaiNathangod sivan
KedarA Field, Name of Shiva
Kedaranathalord of meadows, lord of fields, lord of mount kedara
KeeratSing God’s praise or glory
KeerthinathFamous Person
KeethanHoly Song
KenitA Handsome Man Or “born Of Fire”, A Scottish Favourite In The Late 19th Century
KeshavLord Vishnu
Ketakaflag, gold ornament worn in the hair
Karkacrab, excellent, the zodiac sign of cancer
Karmaduty, destiny, action
Karmavirabrave in action
KarMegamRain-bearing Cloud, Resourceful
Karmuhilanrain-bearing cloud, resourceful
Karnaear, skilful, the eldest son of kunti and surya
KarnanMythological character – eldest of the Pandavas
Karnavirawhose glory has come to be heard, a well known warrior
Karthikgod murugan
Kartikone who bestows courage and happiness, which belongs to the month of karttika
Karunesalord of mercy, another name for moon
KaruppanOne Who is Dark (Black is Beautiful!)
KaruppaSaminame of a god
Karvannangod kannan
KashyapA sage and friend of Pandavas
Kasinathangod sivan
Kasyahard grass, a kind of grass belonging to the kasis
Kasyapaone who drinks water, a tortoise, the water lily
KathithWell Recited
Katumbiwater purifier
Kautilyacrooked thinker
KaviArasanGreat Poet
Kavikogreat poet
Kavinnatural beauty
KavishKing of Poets, Name of Lord Ganesh
Kavyapoem, intelligence, inspired
KavyanshIntelligent and Born With Poetry
KayaanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
KayanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
Kayilaiabode of god sivan
KayilaiNathangod sivan
KedarA Field, Name of Shiva
Kedaranathalord of meadows, lord of fields, lord of mount kedara
KeeratSing God’s praise or glory
KeerthinathFamous Person
KeethanHoly Song
KenitA Handsome Man Or “born Of Fire”, A Scottish Favourite In The Late 19th Century
KeshavLord Vishnu
Ketakaflag, gold ornament worn in the hair
Kevalaalone, absolute, pure
Khadgasword, a rhino horn
Khadiraheavenly, celestial
Khusilahappy, pleasant
Khusmanawith a happy mind
Khyanaperception, knowledge
KiaravWhite Lotus Opening At Moonshine
Kikatahorse, a tribe
Kilaflame, another name for agni
Kilkitapied kingfisher
Kimdattagiven what?, one who has given very little, a sacred well of mahabharata
KinshukA Flower
Kiranamayafull of rays, radiant, brilliant
Kirikasparkling, beaming
Kirititanayatmajagrandson of arjuna, another name for pariksit
Kirtidharabearer of fame, famous
Kirtimanfamous, the 1st son of vasudeva and devaki
Kisoraadolescent, youth
Kiyedhacontaining much, another name for indra
KonguVelkongu king
KoodalNathangod sivan
KoothanGod Sivan, Skilled in the Arts
Kootharasanskilled in the arts
Kotisapointed harrow, lord of millions
KovalanHero of Silappathikaram
Kovidaknowledgeable, wise
KoyilKanigift of god
Kraturesolution, wisdom, intelligence
Kratumatawise, intelligent, having power
Kratvamaghagift of wisdom
Krpalakind, gentle
Krsanuarcher, a divine being identified with rudra
Krsnadark blue, the 9th incarnation of visnu as a great hero and teacher
Krtabhujaccomplished, obtained, gained
Krtamukhaskilled, with a well made face
Krtavegathat which moves fast
Krtsnaentire, whole
Ksaragnasupreme soul
Ksayadviraruling, governing men
Kautilyacrooked thinker
KaviArasanGreat Poet
Kavikogreat poet
Kavinnatural beauty
KavishKing of Poets, Name of Lord Ganesh
Kavyapoem, intelligence, inspired
KavyanshIntelligent and Born With Poetry
KayaanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
KayanThe Name of a Dynasty of King Kaikobad
Kayilaiabode of god sivan
KayilaiNathangod sivan
KedarA Field, Name of Shiva
Kedaranathalord of meadows, lord of fields, lord of mount kedara
KeeratSing God’s praise or glory
KeerthinathFamous Person
KeethanHoly Song
KenitA Handsome Man Or “born Of Fire”, A Scottish Favourite In The Late 19th Century
KeshavLord Vishnu
Ketakaflag, gold ornament worn in the hair
Kevalaalone, absolute, pure
Khadgasword, a rhino horn
Khadiraheavenly, celestial
Khusilahappy, pleasant
Khusmanawith a happy mind
Khyanaperception, knowledge
KiaravWhite Lotus Opening At Moonshine
Kikatahorse, a tribe
Kilaflame, another name for agni
Kilkitapied kingfisher
Kimdattagiven what?, one who has given very little, a sacred well of mahabharata
KinshukA Flower
Kiranamayafull of rays, radiant, brilliant
Kirikasparkling, beaming
Kirititanayatmajagrandson of arjuna, another name for pariksit
Kirtidharabearer of fame, famous
Kirtimanfamous, the 1st son of vasudeva and devaki
Kisoraadolescent, youth
Kiyedhacontaining much, another name for indra
KonguVelkongu king
KoodalNathangod sivan
KoothanGod Sivan, Skilled in the Arts
Kootharasanskilled in the arts
Kotisapointed harrow, lord of millions
KovalanHero of Silappathikaram
Kovidaknowledgeable, wise
KoyilKanigift of god
Kraturesolution, wisdom, intelligence
Kratumatawise, intelligent, having power
Kratvamaghagift of wisdom
Krpalakind, gentle
Krsanuarcher, a divine being identified with rudra
Krsnadark blue, the 9th incarnation of visnu as a great hero and teacher
Krtabhujaccomplished, obtained, gained
Krtamukhaskilled, with a well made face
Krtavegathat which moves fast
Krtsnaentire, whole
Ksaragnasupreme soul
Ksayadviraruling, governing men
Ksemakaone who brings security, a kind of perfume
Ksemyagiving peace, at ease, auspicious
Ksitijathe horizon, son of the earth, another name for planet mars
Kucandanathe fragrance of the earth
Kulabhusanaornament of the family
Kuladipalight of the family
Kulandaisamianother name for god murugan
KulandhaiVelanother name for god murugan
KularanjanStar of Family
Kulikawell born
KumananName of a Charitable Prince
Kumaraprince, youth, a son of bhavya
Kumaranyouthful, another name for god murugan
Kumarappanyouthful, another name for god murugan
KumaraVelYouthful, Another name for God Murugan
Kunagood character
Kundanpure, sparkling, glittering
Kundirastrong, powerful
KunranGod Murugan
Kunrudaiyaangod murugan
KurumuniAnother Name for Agathiyan
Kusalaone who brings the sacred grass, skilled, efficiency
KushSon of Rama
KutraalanGod Sivan, presiding deity of kutraalam
Kuvaraastringent in flavour, fragrant
Kuyilansweet like kuyil (cuckoo)
Kevalaalone, absolute, pure
Khadgasword, a rhino horn
Khadiraheavenly, celestial
Khusilahappy, pleasant
Khusmanawith a happy mind
Khyanaperception, knowledge
KiaravWhite Lotus Opening At Moonshine
Kikatahorse, a tribe
Kilaflame, another name for agni
Kilkitapied kingfisher
Kimdattagiven what?, one who has given very little, a sacred well of mahabharata
KinshukA Flower
Kiranamayafull of rays, radiant, brilliant
Kirikasparkling, beaming
Kirititanayatmajagrandson of arjuna, another name for pariksit
Kirtidharabearer of fame, famous
Kirtimanfamous, the 1st son of vasudeva and devaki
Kisoraadolescent, youth
Kiyedhacontaining much, another name for indra
KonguVelkongu king
KoodalNathangod sivan
KoothanGod Sivan, Skilled in the Arts
Kootharasanskilled in the arts
Kotisapointed harrow, lord of millions
KovalanHero of Silappathikaram
Kovidaknowledgeable, wise
KoyilKanigift of god
Kraturesolution, wisdom, intelligence
Kratumatawise, intelligent, having power
Kratvamaghagift of wisdom
Krpalakind, gentle
Krsanuarcher, a divine being identified with rudra
Krsnadark blue, the 9th incarnation of visnu as a great hero and teacher
Krtabhujaccomplished, obtained, gained
Krtamukhaskilled, with a well made face
Krtavegathat which moves fast
Krtsnaentire, whole
Ksaragnasupreme soul
Ksayadviraruling, governing men
Ksemakaone who brings security, a kind of perfume
Ksemyagiving peace, at ease, auspicious
Ksitijathe horizon, son of the earth, another name for planet mars
Kucandanathe fragrance of the earth
Kulabhusanaornament of the family
Kuladipalight of the family
Kulandaisamianother name for god murugan
KulandhaiVelanother name for god murugan
KularanjanStar of Family
Kulikawell born
KumananName of a Charitable Prince
Kumaraprince, youth, a son of bhavya
Kumaranyouthful, another name for god murugan
Kumarappanyouthful, another name for god murugan
KumaraVelYouthful, Another name for God Murugan
Kunagood character
Kundanpure, sparkling, glittering
Kundirastrong, powerful
KunranGod Murugan
Kunrudaiyaangod murugan
KurumuniAnother Name for Agathiyan
Kusalaone who brings the sacred grass, skilled, efficiency
KushSon of Rama
KutraalanGod Sivan, presiding deity of kutraalam
Kuvaraastringent in flavour, fragrant
Kuyilansweet like kuyil (cuckoo)
KonguVelkongu king
KoodalNathangod sivan
KoothanGod Sivan, Skilled in the Arts
Kootharasanskilled in the arts
Kotisapointed harrow, lord of millions
KovalanHero of Silappathikaram
Kovidaknowledgeable, wise
KoyilKanigift of god
Kraturesolution, wisdom, intelligence
Kratumatawise, intelligent, having power
Kratvamaghagift of wisdom
Krpalakind, gentle
Krsanuarcher, a divine being identified with rudra
Krsnadark blue, the 9th incarnation of visnu as a great hero and teacher
Krtabhujaccomplished, obtained, gained
Krtamukhaskilled, with a well made face
Krtavegathat which moves fast
Krtsnaentire, whole
Ksaragnasupreme soul
Ksayadviraruling, governing men
Ksemakaone who brings security, a kind of perfume
Ksemyagiving peace, at ease, auspicious
Ksitijathe horizon, son of the earth, another name for planet mars
Kucandanathe fragrance of the earth
Kulabhusanaornament of the family
Kuladipalight of the family
Kulandaisamianother name for god murugan
KulandhaiVelanother name for god murugan
KularanjanStar of Family
Kulikawell born
KumananName of a Charitable Prince
Kumaraprince, youth, a son of bhavya
Kumaranyouthful, another name for god murugan
Kumarappanyouthful, another name for god murugan
KumaraVelYouthful, Another name for God Murugan
Kunagood character
Kundanpure, sparkling, glittering
Kundirastrong, powerful
KunranGod Murugan
Kunrudaiyaangod murugan
KurumuniAnother Name for Agathiyan
Kusalaone who brings the sacred grass, skilled, efficiency
KushSon of Rama
KutraalanGod Sivan, presiding deity of kutraalam
Kuvaraastringent in flavour, fragrant
Kuyilansweet like kuyil (cuckoo)
Ksemakaone who brings security, a kind of perfume
Ksemyagiving peace, at ease, auspicious
Ksitijathe horizon, son of the earth, another name for planet mars
Kucandanathe fragrance of the earth
Kulabhusanaornament of the family
Kuladipalight of the family
Kulandaisamianother name for god murugan
KulandhaiVelanother name for god murugan
KularanjanStar of Family
Kulikawell born
KumananName of a Charitable Prince
Kumaraprince, youth, a son of bhavya
Kumaranyouthful, another name for god murugan
Kumarappanyouthful, another name for god murugan
KumaraVelYouthful, Another name for God Murugan
Kunagood character
Kundanpure, sparkling, glittering
Kundirastrong, powerful
KunranGod Murugan
Kunrudaiyaangod murugan
KurumuniAnother Name for Agathiyan
Kusalaone who brings the sacred grass, skilled, efficiency
KushSon of Rama
KutraalanGod Sivan, presiding deity of kutraalam
Kuvaraastringent in flavour, fragrant
Kuyilansweet like kuyil (cuckoo)
KurumuniAnother Name for Agathiyan
Kusalaone who brings the sacred grass, skilled, efficiency
KushSon of Rama
KutraalanGod Sivan, presiding deity of kutraalam
Kuvaraastringent in flavour, fragrant
Kuyilansweet like kuyil (cuckoo)